What you get:
Requirements: |
Fee: |
Schedule and Booking: |
Next Workshop: |
* Prices are subject to change without prior notice. *
* Booking is required for all lessons, workshop and open shoot sessions. *
* As space is limited, there will be no refunds for no shows once a booking or package has been purchased. *
* Every customer must sign a waiver form, or have one on file, before you are allowed to do any archery activities in the range. *
* Waiver agreements for minors (under 18 year of age) must be signed by the parent or legal guardian. *
* Booking is required for all lessons, workshop and open shoot sessions. *
* As space is limited, there will be no refunds for no shows once a booking or package has been purchased. *
* Every customer must sign a waiver form, or have one on file, before you are allowed to do any archery activities in the range. *
* Waiver agreements for minors (under 18 year of age) must be signed by the parent or legal guardian. *