Private Group Booking and Corporate Team Building Archery Session |
Have a group of 14 or more people? Need a special time arrangement outside our regular schedule? Call us for a private archery group lesson. Special time arrangement is available during weekdays or weekends.
What you get:1 hour Introductory archery lesson
Learn about archery safety and proper shooting form.
Hands on shooting and fun shoot with our instructor. Equipment rental included
Basic Membership with Gum Ying Archery Club - Valid for one year
(Archer must successfully completed Intro to Recurve Archery Class) Special time arrangement available
Free parking available on site.*
* Please park your vehicles in the designated parking Archery / Hapkido |
Pricing & Booking:Call 604-338-3999 for booking, details and rates.
Cancellation Policy:
* A minimum of 48 hours notice is required to cancel or change a scheduled session *
* If the session is cancelled with less than 48 hours notice, a cancellation charge equal to 50% of the session cost will be incurred *
* If the session is cancelled with less than 48 hours notice, a cancellation charge equal to 50% of the session cost will be incurred *